Morning Bible Study:
3R meets Thursdays at 8:00am at The Door – Three Rivers
LP meets Thursday at 8:00am at The Door – La Pine
Evening Bible Study
3R meets Thursdays at 6:00pm at The Door – Three Rivers
Third Thursday Meal:
Meets the third Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM at The Door – Three Rivers
We provide a warm meal and a warm place to spend the night for those who do not otherwise have access to such amenities and distribute warm clothing during Winter months.
We exist to serve the Community of La Pine, OR. and the surrounding area by meeting cold-weather related urgent needs.
The La Pine Warming Center is open from December 1st thru March 15th. Hours of operation are from 5pm – 7am.
16430 3rd St.
La Pine, Oregon
For more information email the La Pine Warming Center.